Tuesday 31 January 2012

From Pull to Push

In the past, Company X has been entering distant markets mainly by answering to unsolicited orders. The project of Dubai’s subway system is a good example of this. The company has also been exporting its products to United Arab Emirates via a local agent so it has some experience of some markets in the Middle East.

Now, the plan is to change the strategy from pull to push. It is time be proactive and approach the promising market of Qatar. The previous and current operations in the Middle East are good references in this process. However, this is not an easy task to complete, as the push strategy requires significant amount of additional work compared to the reactive pull strategy, for example carrying out market research, networking and establishing distribution channels.

Currently, our team is making a strong effort in doing research on areas such as the waste bin market in Qatar and what special characteristics does the local B2B business culture have if any. As the result of these efforts, we should be able to understand the market situation in Qatar and find a suitable approach develop a coherent marketing strategy.

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