Wednesday 25 January 2012

Discussion points from meetings 23-25.1.12

Our meeting on Monday spawned many questions, some of which are listed below. During today's meeting, Qatar came up as an option for target country.

The litter bins emphasize design and high quality. They are manufactured in Finland, which leads to a generally higher price. However, the target customers of Company X demand design and high quality. As such, it is fair to assume that price is not the first factor customers consider. We do not yet have any information on competitors or their pricing.

Due to the durability of the litter bins, there is no need for active servicing of the bins after installation (except emptying the bins). However, other related services might be considered, offered by Company X or through a partnership.

Some questions that came up on Monday:

  • Considering that Company X's operations abroad are still quite limited, should the company
    • Continue to target the current segments (B2B, public organizations, municipalities)?
    • Target new/additional segments?
  • Competition
    • Who are they?
    • Who are their customers?
    • Where do they manufacture their products and what is the approximate cost to their customers?
    • Do they offer related services?
  • Should a partnership be formed with an actor in the target country? For what purpose?
  • Custom design products for large customers with specific needs?
The characteristics of the product range (quality, design, price) together with target customers' demands (quality, design, large quantity bought) means a potential customer is 'worth fighting for', i.e. Company X should be prepared to adapt to each customer.

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