Saturday, 28 January 2012


Why Qatar? 
Fast-moving developing economy with positive future prospects, expansionary national policies, building a large capital equipment and investments such as infrastructure, stadiums, airports, shopping and business centers, helpful and liberal trade policy, the demand for quality European products and even more ...

I. Basic economic information
Qatar has one of the youngest and most dynamic emerging economies in the world with the real 16% GDP growth for 2011. The current Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani began large development projects to transform Qatar into a modern Islamic state. The most prominent progress is being made ​​by economic reforms. Qatar is a country with open economy competition and with good conditions for domestic business and foreign capital. It is estimated that in 2012, real GDP growth will be stabilized at 4-5%. In recent years, considerable resources were invested mainly in developing infrastructure and tourism. Qatar wants to place greater emphasis on the private sector. There is a national plan of development of the country for the years 2010 to 2032, which deals with the overall appearance of the country. Favorable price development on the oil markets and high capital expenditures on development have created the preconditions for constant high growth in the next years.

Essential economic dimension of Qatar will be organizing the Football World Cup in 2022. Qatar intends to invest 100 billion USD to various infrastructure projects such as the construction of the national railway system, airport expansion, bridging the gulf in the capital city, repair and build roads, build air-conditioned football stadiums, hotels and a bridge between Qatar and Bahrain. 

Total GDP at PPP (2010): $ 121.4 billion USD
GDP per capita (IMF): 179 000 USD (first place in the world)
Public debt of the country (2010): 16%
Inflation (2011-November): 2.5%

(* Source: Qatar National Bank)

II. Investments
To attract foreign capital, Qatar provides attractive conditions for foreign investment. This is especially the cheap price of gas, electricity, rent land, duty-free import of any equipment, zero tax on profits and salaries, stable exchange rate, and a liberal immigration policy and quality of infrastructure.

III. Marketing strategy and business practices

Any foreign company wishing to expand their business to Qatar has to implement it through a local agent, so the choice of an appropriate and responsible agent is key to developing business. The Qatar market is very demanding, because there, the great competition is created by the world's leading manufacturers. Qatar consumer is very choosy and demanding for quality products and services. Qatar, with this economic background and progressive development strategy, is a big attraction for foreign investment companies and the possibility of sales of various goods.

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